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This article was published in 1969-70
See the original document


C. WALKER, B.V.Sc., Veterinary Research Office, Glenfield

Growth in Vitro Negative M. leprae (grow in footpads of rabbits)
M. leptaemurium
Special Media only M. johnei (very slow grower)
Slow M. ulcerans (Aust.) Skin Tb.
M. buruli (Uganda)
M. tuberculosis var homis
var bovis
var muris
Anonymous Mycobacteria Runyon Classification
(a) Other Slow Growers
Photochromogens M. Kansasii I
M. balnei - M. marinum
Scotochromogens M. scrofulaceum (Non pathogenic Strains) II
Non Chromogens or weak pigment producers M. avium III
M. xenopei - related to M. avium Battey bacillus
(b) Rapid Growers
Poikilotherms M. fortuitum IV
Psychrophils Strains from cold blooded animals IV
Saprophytes M. phlei 52°C. + IV
M. smegmatis
Mesophilic Grow at 20°C.-37°C.
Psychrophilic Grow at temperatures below 25°C. only.
Thermophilic Grow at 44°C.
Photochromogen Produce pigment in presence of light.
Scotochromogen Produce pronounced yellow or orange pigment in both presence and absence of light.
Parvachromogen Produce feeble yellow pigment in presence and absence of light.
Non-Chromogen No pigment produced.
N medium Special basal medium.
T.S.C. Thiosemicarbazone.
Eth. Ethionamide.
I.N.A. Isoniazid.


(After Collins, 1966)

Group Short Definition Growth at °C. Growth in Production of Runyon Classification
N 20 µg 6 µg 0.4 µg
20 25 44 Medium T.S.C. Eth. I.N.A. Catalase Phosphate
Kansasii Slow growing, Mesophilic Photochromogens - + - - - - + +++ + or - I
Scrofulaceum Slow growing, Mesophilic, parvo- or Scotochromogens - + - - - - + + - II or III
Gordonae Slow growing, Mesophilic Scotochromogens Growth poor if any + - - + + + +++ + or - II
Parvochromogens Slow growing, Mesophilic Parvochromogens - + - - + + + + + or - III
Non-Chromogens (incl. Battey) Slow growing, Mesophilic Non-Chromogens Growth poor if any + - - + + + + most strains + most strains III
Xenopei Slow growing, Thermophilic, Parvochromogens - - + - + - - - ++ III
Avium Slow growing, Thermophilic Non-Chromogens - + + _ + + + - + or - III
Phlei-Smegmatis Rapid growing, Thermophilic Pigment variable + + + + + + + ++ ++ IV
Acapulcensis Rapid growing, Mesophilic Scotochromogens + + - + + + + +++ +++ IV
Fortuitum Rapid growing, Mesophilic Non-Chromogens + + - + + + + +++ +++ IV
M. tuberculosis Slow growing, Mesophilic Non-Chromogens - - - - - - - ++ - -

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